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ESG Reporting
& Communication Advisory

At the intersection of business strategy and societal impact, effective ESG reporting is vital. Our team of advisors bring deep industry knowledge and expertise to empower you to go beyond compliance, crafting a sustainability narrative that generates lasting business value and impact.

Ensure ESG excellence with a comprehensive approach

Our experienced advisors accompany you throughout your ESG journey—from determining the material aspects of your business to crafting targeted reports and narratives. We collaborate to develop a deep understanding of your operations, the regulatory landscape and stakeholder expectations, providing bespoke ESG advisory services tailored to your unique needs.

Through our multi-faceted approach to ESG reporting and communications, we empower companies to not only meet but exceed regulatory requirements. We help create a compelling narrative for your sustainability performance that attracts new business, talent and investment.

Our ESG reporting and communication services

Impact Materiality Assessments

Evaluate which ESG issues are most important to your stakeholders, allowing you to prioritise these in your reporting. Position Green’s Materiality Assessment service is aligned with GRI guidelines and best practices, and serves as a foundation for tailoring your ESG strategy to what matters most to your business and your stakeholders.

Double Materiality Assessments

Take steps to meet the requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Our Double Materiality Assessment evaluates impact materiality — how your business affects social and environmental factors — and financial materiality – how sustainability issues may influence your financial performance. Our cloud-based DMA tool helps ensure CSRD and ESRS compliance, providing traceable documentation that is mandatory for CSRD reporting.

ESG & sustainability reporting (ESRS, GRI, SASB, ISSB)

Our advisors help you compile, structure and present data in a manner that not only complies with applicable regulations but also signals your sustainability ambitions to stakeholders and investors. Whether you’re looking to report in line with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), or International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), we support companies in navigating the complex reporting landscape.

ESRS Gap Analysis

Position Green’s ESRS Gap Analysis process identifies areas where your current sustainability reporting falls short of the requirements in the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), as mandated by the CSRD. Our detailed analysis offers actionable insights, enabling you to adapt your reporting strategies efficiently and align them with over 1000 datapoints included in the ESRS.

Meet the ESG reporting and communication experts

Calum Revfem


Calum is an internationally recognised sustainability expert with extensive experience as a reporting and strategic advisor. His reporting expertise covers recognised frameworks including ESRS, GRI and ISSB.

He has provided strategic advice and written sustainability reports for leading listed and private companies. He joined Position Green in 2020 after establishing the specialised sustainability consultancy Proxima. Calum frequently writes and speaks on the topics of sustainability and reporting.


Marc Jourdan

Senior Manager

Marc leads PG Norway’s sustainability strategy and reporting work. He is a qualified UK lawyer with 10 years of experience advising organizations on sustainability topics such as climate change, the circular economy and modern slavery.

Marc was the Policy & Engagement Lead for IEMA, a global membership organization for sustainability professionals, and Sustainability Hub Norway. He has led several expert networks and drafted consultation responses to key regulatory and industry-standard proposals. Marc has also worked at the United Nations on public policy issues, including the SDGs.


Olivia Krall


Olivia is a Manager at Position Green Advisory Sweden and has extensive experience in advising companies in a wide range of sustainability areas, including sustainability reporting, stakeholder engagement and sustainability strategies. She has deep knowledge regarding the implementation of ESG frameworks such as GRI and ESRS. She is also GRI certified trainer and an appreciated trainer and facilitator.  


Simon Taylor

Senior Director

Simon has over 20 years’ experience advising multinational companies in Europe and Asia Pacific. He is a former Press Secretary to the New Zealand Minister of Finance and has consulted to companies in the energy, transport, technology and finance sectors.

Simon leads Position Green’s TCFD consulting and sustainability reporting practice in Denmark.


Want to know how we can help you accelerate your sustainability agenda?

Please share your contact details and we will be in touch shortly.

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ESRS Reporting




ESG100 launch event