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Suitable for

CSRD project leads, C-suite level executives

Estimated time to complete

60 minutes

About the course

This e-learning course is designed for professionals from across the organisation who need a thorough understanding of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the associated European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

The course will cover the wider context of the development of the CSRD and also the intricacies of the Reporting Standards (RS) themselves including how to write your sustainability report.

All of our sustainability courses

  • The course can be taken in our learning platform or in your own company’s LMS.
  • We provide scheduled reports to selected recipients about who has not yet started, started, and completed the course.
  • We can brand (logo, font and main colour) the courses to suit your company.
  • If you would like to add a custom section to one of our existing courses or create a custom course from scratch please get in touch.
  • All courses exists in a micro-learning version (15 minutes) in addition to the full course.
  • All courses can be translated to any language.

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