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ESG opportunity in the power industry

Position Green enables energy companies to streamline ESG reporting and embed sustainability strategies that reduce risk and create value on the path to net zero.

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Taking steps to decarbonize the energy sector

Position Green combines purpose-built ESG software and specialized advisory expertise to help energy companies mitigate risks, comply with regulations, streamline health and safety management and improve sustainability performance towards clear-set goals.

The global focus on reducing carbon emissions has brought the utilities sector under sharp scrutiny. Market forces and global regulations are driving a growing demand for a strong ESG plan and a clear path to achieving net-zero carbon emissions. Energy companies are confronted with the complex task of meeting compliance requirements, managing reputational risk, satisfying stakeholder demands and achieving greater socioeconomic impact in their sustainability work.

High-impact software features

Customize for the power industry

Collect, verify, and analyze quality ESG data from your entire organisation and value chain, providing a clear picture of sustainability performance and identifying areas for efficiency improvements. Accurately measure and track greenhouse gas emissions against set targets.


High-impact software features

Align with ESG frameworks

Ensure regulatory compliance with ready-made templates and structured data collection according to relevant industry standards and legislations, e.g. ESRS, GHG Protocol, GRI.


High-impact software features

In-depth gap analysis

Benchmark against industry peers for a comparative analysis of key ESG metrics. Our sustainability experts assist with actionable insights, gap analysis and prioritisations to elevate ESG performance.


Customer stories

Discover how Position Green has helped customers take their sustainability work to the next level.

“Swap Excel for easy sustainability tracking”

Jörgen Westrum Thorsen

Senior Manager


“Get invaluable feedback and recommendations”

Ulrika Linneroth

Sustainability Governance


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ESG solutions for the power inustry

Carbon Accounting

Systematically measure and manage your scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in line with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. Measure and track greenhouse gas emissions throughout your operations and value chain and identify priority areas and actions for reducing emissions.

EU Taxonomy

Ensure compliance, mitigate risk and create value through efficient reporting and proactive alignment with the EU Taxonomy. Conduct an in-depth Taxonomy analysis to identify eligible activities that will convey strong ESG performance to stakeholders and investors when reported.

GRI Standards – Global Reporting Initiative

Collect, structure and report your sustainability data in line with GRI Standards to transparently communicate key ESG impacts to stakeholders and investors. Utilise templates built on updated 2021 GRI Standards, adapted to your business needs based on materiality analysis or preferences.

SBTi – Science-Based Targets

Set science-based targets for GHG emissions in line with the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) based on data-driven insights. Ensure that all relevant emissions data is in place for getting targets validated by the SBTi and enable the transparent communication of targets to stakeholders and investors.

European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)

Secure the data integrity, transparency and structures needed to prepare for and comply with the new ESRS and CSRD requirements, including any sector-specific standards relating to energy. Receive hands-on support with Double Materiality Assessment, gap analysis and relevant compliance processes.

Human Rights Due Diligence

Gain a comprehensive understanding of how well you manage human rights and where the risks are within your own operations and value chain. Score your suppliers’ adherence to human rights principles through surveys and data reporting in the software platform.

End-to-end sustainability

Discover more pathways to sustainable impact


Advisory Expertise


Sustainability Suite


ESG Solutions